I am deeply humbled and honored to be the recipient of this great call to serve the St. Matthews Baptist Church as Pastor. This marks a great and historical milestone in my life. I am immensely grateful and appreciative to the officers and members of St. Matthews. I also acknowledge my predecessor Reverend Dr. Maxwell M. Washington, who serviced this branch of Zion for fifty years, we pray the Lord bless him for laboring in this vineyard.
I praise God for the family God birthed me into, the families gained from every church where I was trusted to preach the Gospel, the families I have been blessed to mesh with while matriculating throughout my various posts on my journey and those that have pushed and prayed me through tumultuous and traumatic trials of life. To those that Lord has called home to see this moment from a different location and to all that have encountered me at some point in my life’s journey, whether major or minor, for every moment I am grateful.
To my wife Evelyn, I am overjoyed to be experiencing what the Lord showed me when we said “I do”. Your love, patience, persistence, and unwavering support are paramount in my life. And to my sons Nicolas, Peter Jr., Isaiah and Isaac thanks for keeping me on my toes, and know one of my greatest joys is being your father.
St. Matthews let’s keep our hands to the plow as Pastor and People! We will answer the call together to serve this branch of Zion in communities both near and far, while working faithfully to encourage, enhance and enlighten God’s people to grow and prosper from the inside out.
To God Be The Glory,
Reverend Peter R. Blue Sr